Manulife - sinochem opens for business in third city in zhejiang province : shaoxing 中宏保险进驻绍兴市于浙江省成立第三个业务据点
Investigation on the indoor air formaldehyde pollution in hangzhou city in zhejiang province 杭州市新居室室内空气甲醛污染状况调查
Starting from the comprehension of relevant conceptions , we conduct a case study of jiaxing city in zhejiang province and discusses its spatial structure planning from the perspective of urban - rural integration 摘要从城乡一体化概念出发,以浙江省嘉兴市为例,探讨了基于城乡一体化视角的市域空间结构规划。
The company ' s workers said that the sales volume of their hangzhou shops also indicates that the purchasing power for cars in hangzhou is much greater than any other cities in zhejiang province 该公司的工作人员说,公司的杭州网点的销售额同样也可表明,对于轿车,杭州的购买力要远大于浙江省的任何其它城市。
Zhoushan ' s taxation has increased rapidly in recent successive years , with the highest growth rate among all the cities in zhejiang province , which is a strong force for building zhoushan into a prosperous marine city 近几年,舟山市税收收入连续快速增长,增速在全省各市中名列首位,有力地推动了海洋经济大市的建设。